While we continue to wait, at least we know you'll be able to dress to impress as Leon S. There's no release date for the Leon skin, but he could be well-timed for a rerelease of RE4. Capcom is celebrating in style in 2021, so we'd be surprised if we aren't taking on Ramon Salazar in HD before the year is out. Leon is the protagonist of the survival horror game, and although some have debunked the idea of a RE4 remake thanks to the Resident Evil 4 VR port, there are still those holding out hope for a full remaster. Following in the footsteps of 2019's Resident Evil 2 and last year's Resident Evil 3: Nemesis remake, fans are ravenous for a Resident Evil 4 remake. The 2005 game is largely held as the best in the series, and although it's received numerous ports from its original home on the GameCube, we're yet to see it on modern systems. uPl02HeadChrisAsia.arc, uPlTex02002, uPlTex02001 is the files for Chris Asia head with the model and textures we need to mod. For example: uEm5910Head.arc is the new head we want (BSAA helmet) and.

Interestingly, some think the operator skin is our biggest hint yet that a next-gen remake of Resident Evil 4 is on the way. arc files and change skins or swap models etc.